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Guru Purnima
Guru Purnima was celebrated at Shetkari Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s Tarabai Madhavrao Mohite Vidyalaya Rethare Bk. On 22/7/2024. Principal of Jaywant Institute of Medical Sciences, K. M. Gad, Dr. V. Deshpande was the chief guest at the programme. She was accompanied by Dr. Aditi Ghare (Balrog) & Dr. Tejaswini Mule (Ayu. Dermat.). Total 800 students attended the programme. Dr. V. Deshpande explained the importance of Guru Purnima. She also explained the importance of good health for all & the role of Ayurveda in maintaining good health. She gave information regarding various facilities available in Jaywant Ayurvedic Hospital & Research Centre. She explained importance to avoid alcohol & tobacco in early life. She counselled the students about the side effects of consuming alcohol & tobacco & advised to stay away from these bad habits.

Independence Day
ndia's 78th Independence Day was celebrated very enthusiastically at SSPM's Jaywant Institute of Medical Sciences, Dist. Sangli. Shetkari Shikshan Prasarak Mandal has various educational institutes in its campus which celebrated the Indepndence Day collectively. The Indian tricolor was hoisted by Shri. Dilip Patil- Secretary SSPM in the presence of Dr. Varsha Deshpande, Principal JIMS. Dr. Salunkhe Principal KMR and Principals of Degree - Diploma colleges as well as from Sambhaji Mahavidyalay were present. Parade was carried out by the NCC students along with demonstration of some adventurous drills that India's Armed Forces might undergo in the battlefield. On the occasion of 78th Independece Day students sung Patriotic songs which filled our hearts with pride for the nation. Doctors, Teachers, students, nurses, non - teaching staff from all the institutes were present to witness this ceremony.

Charak Jayanti
On the auspicious day of Shravan Shuddha Panchami. i.e. Nagapanchami the whole Ayurved fraternity celebrates Acharya Charak Jayanti as he was considered to be the Avatar swaroop of SheshaNag. This year Maharshi Charak Jayanti, fell on Friday, 9th August 2024. To begin the program, portraits of Lord Dhanwantari, Lord Ganesh & Acharya Charak were worshipped & garlanded followed by lighting of the lamp by Dr. Nachiket Wachasundar Sir who was the guest of honour & Dr. Varsha Deshpande, Principal JIMS. Dhanwantari stawan was sung by all the students. Prof. Mrs. Seema Chavan welcomed Dr. Wachasundar Sir & Principal Madam on behalf of Dept of Samhita Siddhant. Dr. Wachasundar Sir spoke on the topic "Relevance of Charak Samhita in Day-to-day Life". He touched upon various siddhantas that are ignored or looked upon as outdated in modern times but are very critical for an ayurved practitioner in treating diseases. He encouraged students to read the samhita daily & have critical analysis & discussions on the hundreds of sutras which have deep routed meaning. To emphasize his points he also shared some of the success stories where modern science did not have answers. On this occasion Dr. Aishwarya Bhosale from Dept of Rachana Sharir also shared her insights on the importance of Daiva Vyapashray & Satwavajay Clikitsa which go unnoticed most of the times. Later students recited the shlokas from Deerghanjeevitiya Adhyay of Charak Samhita. A couple of students shed light on Acharya Charak and their own experienes regarding Ayurved. At last. Dr. Varsha Deshpande, Principal JIMS, highlighted the importance of shloka recitation & her experiences about keeping faith in the classical texts and following them accordingly. Dr. Shrinidhi Sabnis carried out the anchoring for the program while Vote of Thanks was given by Prof. Mrs. Seems Chavan.